Well the time sure does fly by when you have two rug rats to contend with. I had planned on updating more often but really I just can't seem to find the time. I will hopefully get better at it once all the dust settles.
Things have been pretty good and the transition is going better than expected I think. We have had to work through a few little bumps. Mainly in how we have been dealing with some of his tantrums. We have tried different strategies and feel like we are almost there. Part of the issue was his insecurity and fear so any correction, no matter how mild ended up in a huge uproar. Then he would demand Pat's attention. A couple of times we tried ignoring the tantrums but his insecure attachment just caused him to escalate to extreme levels so we have decided to just continue to gently correct behaviour then offer him immediate, calm, attention when he demands it. This has definitely helped the tantrums and we have been able to calm him down. We are trying to teach him to give us signs that he needs attention that are less dramatic than screaming and crying. It seems to be working. We'll get there slowly. We have also moved up meal times as that was another source of tantrums. It seems his foster mother free fed him throughout the day so when he wants food he wanted it 5 minutes ago and does not take kindly to having to wait. Unfortunately we are not going to be free feeding him throughout the day so this is something he is going to have to learn. Compromise was the key to this lesson so we basically feed him more often and earlier so he doesn't get as hungry. He is sleeping well although he does not like to go to sleep and will have some good crying jags at bed and nap time. We again tried different approaches but what seems to be the best is to let him get it out as he then falls asleep. This does go against adoption dogma as we are told time and again never to let newly adopted children cry but believe me we did try all other approaches and these wound him up even more (we even purchased the no cry sleep solution). Now he will cry for 5-10 minutes and fall asleep. Now that he is getting more sleep his tantrums have decreased so it is better all around. Of course I'd like to get to the point where he isn't crying when it's bed time but I think we just have to be patient as he is probably still grieving his foster mom. It is definitely true that every child is different and every family is different. Our approaches (which were very different with Van) seem to be working pretty well with Gerad.
Gerad's little personality is blossoming for sure. He is a very loving and happy boy most of the time (except and bedtimes and for diaper changes, then watch out. The boy has a set of lungs!) and we are very lucky in that regard. He loves his brother very much and seeks him out for hugs. He has picked up the English word "come" and says it to our dog while gesturing (just like daddy lol). He also has a catch all word "chee" which seems to mean "I want more food", "Hello", "Where are we going?" "There's my brother", and so on lol. He loves music and has a great time dancing or bopping while sitting on your lap. He thinks the cats and dog are grand but not sure they feel the same way yet as he is still learning to be gentle. He loves to eat...boy does he love to eat. You have to be careful that you don't introduce new food while he is eating another food or the food in his mouth will quickly be spit out to make room for the new food. He loves being out and about and will just smile and smile while taking in his surroundings. He is pretty laid back and is a dream to take shopping or to go into stores as he loves just looking around at all the things and people. Pat tells me he is great at playgroups and is pretty social. He is real people person and just loves to get attention. He's seriously the easiest child to get a smile out of and as a result taking pictures of him is a delight. The opposite of Van who purposefully will not smile lol.
Speaking of Van he has been doing amazingly well. He is over the moon to have a little brother and simply cannot stop touching him (his hair, his face, his hands). He loves to give him hugs which is handy as Gerad also loves the hugs. These boys are hugging each other constantly! There hasn't been too much sibling rivalry. Only a few times where we'll hear Van exclaim "No brother!". It's usually because Gerad is trying to take the toy he's playing with.
All in all Gerad Yihyun has fit into our home perfectly and I do not even remember what life was like before him. It's a louder, messier and happier house since his arrival!
Hello all, sorry for not updating sooner but life is hectic with 2 kiddos!! Pat arrived home with Gerad last Friday. Van and I went to the airport to greet them. Van was so excited to finally see Gerad in the flesh (and see daddy again of course). It was obvious dad and second son were exhausted. Gerad was shell shocked. However he was a real trooper on the way home and didn't cry in the car seat. Luckily we live downtown so the drive was only 15 minutes. When we got home Gerad went down for a nap. We woke him up at 5:30, in time to hang out with Van's friend Hudson who came for a visit. He had a great time, laughing and giggling. He enjoyed playing with all the toys. Van and he bonded right away. It's in fact been quite amazing but more about that in a bit.
The first night was understandably rough. Because of Pat's jet lag and lack of sleep I took the first shift. Of course that was a little bit difficult for Gerad as he didn't really know me from a hole in the wall. In any event I laid with him for 5 hours. During that time he slept on and off and cried lots. Poor little guy. Pat took over in the early morning and I managed to get about 2 hours sleep. The next few days were a bit of a blur. Sunday was his most difficult day. He was finally starting to realize that this was it and that we weren't going anywhere. He cried out for his foster mother a lot and had full screaming tantrums for hours. Poor little guy. There was nothing I could do for him as he was attaching to Pat and I was a threat to his foster mom's memory. I have been fine with that and have let him come to me on his own time. We have forever to get there, I am in no rush.
By Tuesday he was starting to calm a little bit and was more easily soothed. Night times were still rough but getting better. As I am working and am not the primary attachment figure I essentially go to bed with ear plugs and Pat co-sleeps with him. It seems that his witching hours are between 2 and 5. Prime jet lag hours lol. In Korea he was sleeping through the night so we know he has done it before. We are hopeful he'll get back there with time. Actually last night was his best night. When we heard him wake up he just moaned a went right back to sleep. No crying out. He also slept until 5 before having an hour of wakefulness before sleeping again! Seems the jet lag is wearing off. He has been napping really well though. All in all we think he is transitioning quite well considering his age and the extreme shock to his world he is experiencing.
Now to Van and Gerad. Van has been simply incredible. Very gentle with Gerad. Not even lashing our when his heir gets pulled. He speaks about his little brother non-stop at daycare and is excited to get home to see him. Gerad has taken to Van as well and when we get home at the end of the day Gerad runs to him for a hug. It's really great to see! We've been trying really hard to keep Van's schedule exactly the same and I think that's helped. It's also helped that I am focusing on him and that we do things alone together as well. He is not being ignored.
Halloween was a lot of fun! Van got more out of it this year than previous years. Three really is a great age. He finally is able to anticipate things and get excited about them. We knocked on about 10 doors which was just enough for him. I let him decide when he was done. Gerad even came with us to the first few doors. He got the hang of things right away and even toddled up to a couple of doors holding out his bucket. Very cute!